Posted by: chuckbumgardner | December 12, 2015

I. Howard Marshall

I discovered this evening that Howard Marshall had gone to be with his Lord this morning. I am saddened by the news. Howard had graciously, in his retirement, agreed to serve as an external professor for me for an independent study class on the Pastoral Epistles. I had asked with little hope that someone of his stature would agree to serve in such a capacity for an unknown such as myself, but was pleasantly surprised when he cheerfully agreed.

I had known him only through his writings, most notably his magisterial ICC volume on the Pastorals, and was thus expecting a good deal of formality in our interaction. I learned otherwise! Here is part of his response to my initial request:

Dear Chuck,

Thank you for this kind invitation.  I am disposed to accept it, tho’ bearing in mind that I never read blogs, facebooks and the like, and prefer good old-fashioned books! So if you can tolerate an antediluvian comment or two, and allow for the fact that I am not as young as I used to be….

He signed his emails as “Howard,” but I couldn’t imagine addressing him on a first-name basis, and continued doggedly with “Dr. Marshall” until I received this note as part of one of his emails:

I don’t know what protocol is with your academic constituency, but like many in the UK  I see our relationship  as one of friends helping each other within our Christian family of brothers and sisters, and this means that I’m happy to drop formality.

Well, it was “Howard” after that! I only had the privilege of submitting a single paper to him (on Paul and mission in the PE) and receiving his comments on it. In that regard, perhaps I was his last “student”! But even in our limited interaction, I gained a great appreciation for both his academic rigor and his charity.

As one might imagine, I have been immersed in his writings on the Pastoral Epistles over the last year. Here is a list of those writings (including reviews), some obviously more directly related to the letters than others:

Marshall, I. Howard. “Biblical Patterns for Public Theology.” European Journal of Theology 14 (2005): 73-86.

________. “Book of 1 Timothy.” In Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible. Edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, 801-804. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.

________. “Book of 2 Timothy.” In Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible. Edited by Kevin J. Vanhoozer, 804-806. Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005.

________. “Brothers Embracing Sisters?” Bible Translator 55 (2004): 303-10.

________. “The Christian Life in 1 Timothy.” The Reformed Theological Review 49 (1990): 81–90.

________. “The Christology of Luke-Acts and the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages167–82 in Crossing the Boundaries: Essays in Biblical Literature in Honor of Michael D. Goulder. Edited by Stanley E. Porter, P. Joyce, and D. E. Orton. Biblical Interpretation Series 8. Leiden: Brill, 1994.

________. “The Christology of the Pastoral Epistles.” Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt A 13 (1988): 157–77.

________. “Church and Ministry in 1 Timothy.” Pages 51–60 in Pulpit and People: Essays in Honour of William Still on His 75th Birthday. Edited by Nigel M. de S. Cameron and Sinclair B. Ferguson. Edinburgh: Rutherford House, 1986.

________. “Congregation and Ministry in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 105–25 in Community Formation in the Early Church and the Church Today. Edited by Richard N. Longenecker. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002.

________. “The Development of the Concept of Redemption in the New Testament.” Pages 153-69 in Reconciliation and Hope: New Testament Essays on Atonement and Eschatology, Presented to L. L. Morris on His 60th Birthday. Edited by Robert Banks. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.

________. “Faith and Works in the Pastoral Epistles.” Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt A 9 (1984): 203–18.

________. “The Holy Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles and the Apostolic Fathers.” Pages 257–269 in The Holy Spirit and Christian Origins: Essays in Honor of James D. G. Dunn. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004.

________. “The Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 108–123 in The Blackwell Companion to Paul. Edited by Stephen Westerholm. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

________. “The Pastoral Epistles in Recent Study.” Pages 268–324 in Entrusted with the Gospel: Paul’s Theology in the Pastoral Epistles. Edited by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Terry L. Wilder. Nashville: B&H Academic, 2010.

________. “The Pastoral Epistles in (Very) Recent Study.” Midwestern Journal of Theology 2 (2003): 3–37.

________. “Prospects for the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 137–55 in Doing Theology for the People of God: Studies in Honor of J. I. Packer. Edited by Donald M. Lewis and Alister E. McGrath. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1996.

________. “Recent Study of the Pastoral Epistles.” Themelios 23 (1997): 3–29.

________. Review of R. F. Collins, I & II Timothy and Titus: A Commentary. Bulletin for Biblical Research 14 (2004): 136-37.

________. Review of M. Davies, The Pastoral Epistles. Evangelical Quarterly 70 (1998): 77-78.

________. Review of J. M. Holmes, Text in a Whirlwind: A Critique of Four Exegetical Devices at I Timothy 2:9-15. Evangel 20 (2002): 60-61.

________. Review of L. T. Johnson, The First and Second Letters to Timothy: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. Biblical Interpretation 10 (2002): 100-102.

________. Review of M. Y. MacDonald, The Pauline Churches: A Socio-historical Study of Institutionalization in the Pauline and Deutero-Pauline Writings. Evangelical Quarterly 61 (1989): 271-73.

________. Review of B. Mutschler, Glaube in den Pastoralbriefen: Pistis als Mitte christlicher Existenz. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 33/5 (2011): 112-13.

________. Review of H.-W. Neudorfer, Die erste Brief des Paulus an Timotheus. European Journal of Theology 15 (2006): 76-77.

________. Review of L. K. Pietersen, The Polemic of the Pastorals: A Sociological Examination of the Development of Pauline Christianity. Journal of Theological Studies 56 (2005): 594-96.

________. Review of W. A. Richards, Difference and Distance in Post-Pauline Christianity: An Epistolary Analysis of the Pastorals. Evangel 21 (2003): 94-95.

________. Review of H. Stettler, Die Christologie der Pastoralbriefe. European Journal of Theology 8 (1999): 186-88.

________. Review of J. Twomey, The Pastoral Epistles through the Centuries. Expository Times 121 (2009): 50-51.

________. Review of S. G. Wilson, Luke and the Pastoral Epistles. Journal for the Study of the New Testament 10 (1981): 69-74.

________. Review of B. W. Winter, Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The Appearance of New Women and the Pauline Communities. Evangelical Quarterly 80 (2008): 83-85.

________. Review of F. M. Young, The Theology of the Pastoral Letters. Epworth Review 22 (1995): 110-11.

________. “The Role of Women in the Church.” Pages 177-97 in The Role of Women. Edited by Shirley Lees. Leicester, UK: Inter-Varsity, 1984.

________. “Salvation, Grace, and Works in the Later Writings in the Pauline Corpus.” New Testament Studies 42 (1996): 339–58.

________. “Salvation in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 449–69 in Geschichte—Tradition—Reflexion: Festschrift für Martin Hengel zum 70. Geburtstag, Vol 3: Frühes Christentum. Edited by Hermann Lichtenberger. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1996.

________. “Some Recent Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles.” Expository Times 117 (2006): 140-43.

________. “‘Sometimes Only Orthodox’—Is There More to the Pastoral Epistles?” Epworth Review 20 (1993): 12–24.

________. “Universal Grace and Atonement in the Pastoral Epistles.” Pages 51–70 in The Grace of God and the Will of Man. Edited by Clark H. Pinnock. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1989.

________. “Women in Ministry: A Further Look at 1 Timothy 2.” Pages 52–78 in Women, Ministry and the Gospel. Edited by M. Husbands and T. Larsen. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 2008.

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